The Path to Health and Wellness.

Getting back to normalcy and good health post Covid is indeed an uphill task. One has to overcome challenges like poor stamina, constant body fatigue, muscle pains. Stress, mental fatigue as well as negativity induced by the disease. In the current scenario, we have even a greater responsibility of looking after ourselves. It might be impossible to keep the disease at bay, and we have to be prepared that we may be inflicted with a mild to medium version, depending on our immunity. Plus, we have to do all this without harboring fear in our hearts. My program on breathing is designed to prevent corona, and to help you heal and recover in case you’ve already had it. This program has a few special breathing techniques and few Yogic Pranayama. Yoga & Pranayama with Mindfulness helps in general to attain a good health and wellness.


  • Strengthen your lungs
  • Restore your stamina
  • Improve immunity
  • Strengthen thoracic muscles
  • Regain oxygen saturation in bloodstream
  • Relax body and mind
  • Improve concentration
  • Improve mind set
  • Deal with stress level
  • Improves cardiovascular endurance

This is an excellent preventive technique. One can experience and gain benefits by practicing this regularly. We can make out difference in 3 to 4 sessions. Prevention is better than cure


  • 1 Minute silence
  • Om chanting
  • Thoracic muscle strengthening program
    1.  Arms up and down breathing
    2.  Arms expansion breathing
    3.  Lateral arms raise breathing
    4.  Shoulder elevation breathing
    5.  Chest expansion breathing
    6.  Heartful breathing

1 Minute Rest In silence

  • Hands stretch breathing at 90 degrees 135 degrees & 180 Degrees
  • Bubble exercise
    Balloon exercise
  • Spiro meter exercise
  • Resistance tube exercise or Towel exercise

1 Minute Rest In silence


  • Kapalbhati
  • Single Nostril Kapalbhati
  • Bhastrika
  • Shwan Kapalbhati
  • Mountain Pose
  • Chandra Pranayama
  • Chandra Bhedan Pranayama


  • Anulom Viom Pranayama
  • Uajjai Pranayama
  • Kumbhaka
  • Square Paranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Om Chanting
  • Mindfulness
  • Shanti Mantra
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    Asanas, Pranayama, Bandhas, Kriyas and Mudras, Lifestyle Modifications according to your constitution.

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